She Found…

She found that when she was wrapped inside of her own Love she became the desire that longed for the Self. She found when she closed her eyes to harshness a gentle care started to shape the streets of her creation. She found when she was filled with Joy and Laughter, she no longer needed to reach for the Stars for their Light resides in the midst of her Inner Storm. She found when the under lighted parts grew up she was young, wild and free as only those touched by Truth could be. She left the place where pain was covered in the glitter of Romance to embrace raw truth in it’s painful tenderness and bliss. She found she was not lost after the fall yet found in the Heart of Heavens Diamond where she lived her Prophecy. She found when she spoke her Truth fearlessly, no harm could be done for only Truth and Love can heal the unbearable. She found the Love of Truth and the Truth of Love are the one and only Reality. She found it’s Presence holds the strength of vulnerability. She found when she shaped all she had in words for the others to read she shared that part of herself she had been longing for to find in others. No longer hiding these inside herself all Treasures reflected back at her. She found Amazement to be the Wonder of one’s Souls clarity…

She found that she was not being in Love thus in Love Being