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Archieven | By-Share


You… I dream a Heaven for You I imagine a sparkling Paradise I create an Oasis of Happines I built a Heart as endless as the Skies I shoot Stars that Arise My Loves I offer this All to You My biggest Blessing… Gratefulness as before I never knew The Gift...
Making Love

Making Love

I will make Love to You in no less than a Thousand Ways For your ways, I know them All… I will make Love to You by the Words that Say… You are my Perfect Reflection of the memory that my Heart Desires… …Endless Fires …Countless Stars...
Watch for me on the Mountain

Watch for me on the Mountain

Watch for me on the Mountain Your name silently died on the lips of my Heart The wind carried the whisperings of You beyond the valley of Hope How could I praise your deeds without diminishing the greatness of the Heart that initiated them… How could I applaud...
After All

After All

After all… And than after all this time she thought she was not Loved She found out that the men who were not in her life yet lived in her Heart… They Loved her so much it brought her to pieces…. For she Loved them All and in finding The One…...