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The Romance of You is that I don’t miss You
Yet I deeply long for You
The Romance of You is that You don’t fulfill Me
Yet the fullness between us seems as endless as the Ocean
The Romance of You is not that You hold my hand
Yet I still feel yours after You have let go
The Romance of You is not that You speak my name
Yet you sing the tales of my Heart
The Romance of You is not forever after
Yet an adventurous here and now
The Romance of You is not that You comfort Me
Yet that You scare and dare Me with your beloved raw realness
The Romance of You is not that it is a fairytale come true
Yet it is reality coming due
The Romance of You is not that you make me laugh
Yet the reason why You do
The Romance of You is Heavens Playground
Yet not bordered, captured or found just gently shared
The Romance of You is that where the Waters end the Prairies begin
The Romance of You is like the Wind
She kisses the Waves as the Mountains, the fields as the tree’s, the clouds as the sun rays
The All of You’s & the All of Me’s

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