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Sweet Mom

You have not died for your eternal presence embraces me
I have come through your being to flourish into myself
You gave birth to me in this Endless cycle of so called Life and Death, we name Reïncarnation
You have filled my being with Unconditional Love
You taught me to see with my Heart and not with the Emptiness of my physical eyes
You have opened up my Mind to Greater Truths
Seeing the Greatness of the Smallest treasure
Weighing them not in Matter yet with Universal Measure
You have comforted my deepest sorrow
You have filled my Spirit with the faith and knowing of a Endless and Greater tomorrow
You have pointed out the Stars at my Horizon
Your Tender Sweetness still humbles me
I honour you with all the Joy and Happiness that resides in me
And I thank you for this Life you lovingly gave to me
Today we honour your Birthday and all the Sweet Beauty that came from you…


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