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For the Love of Me…

I need a Home base for my Heart
A Wild Jungle for my Soul
A Pyramid for my Aspirations
A Heaven for my Dreams
A Flower Garden with Butterflies for my Family
An abundant Kitchen for my Friends
A tropical beach under the Stars for my Nights filled with Passion
I need Thunderstorms to clear my Mind
I need pouring Rain to fill me with Inspiration
I need the Light of the Moon to hold a bridge for my Loved Ones that have crossed over to the After Life
I need Laughter like the dessert needs the Rain
I need Freedom to keep me from going Sane
I need gentle Snow to keep my Sparkle Chill
I need an Altar dedicated to Fun
I need a shower of Rays coming from the Sun
I have a Heart ever so strong…I can carry it All and than some!

For the Love of Me
In which I Love All

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